Integrating AWS Xray with Loopback
AWS Xray and Loopback
AWS Xray is a service that helps you trace requests throughout a distributed application on AWS, and Loopback is a Node.js API framework, for quick and easy API building.
I added Xray to a loopback application (running on Elasticbeanstalk) and I couldn’t find any particular guidance on the correct way to do it. What I did is working, so I figured I would share.
I had to edit a single file in the loopback application and add a file to the deployment configuration to set up the server daemon to get this working, so it’s pretty simple.
1) Install AWS Xray package
2) Update server/server.js
All that’s required to get this working is requiring the module and then a few lines added to server.js, before starting the app.
3) Add file to .ebextensions/
This file will setup the Xray daemon on the EC2 instance. The daemon collects segments for multiple requests and updates the AWS Xray service with them in batches.
You can find information for other daemon setups @
That’s it
Theres more advanced things you can do with Xray and a lot more configuration options, I was mainly interested in testing it out and having a look around the service. You can find more information in the AWS Xray developer guide